Sikelos (c-590 - c-530). Sikelos was an ancient Attic vase painter of the black-figure style in the middle of the 6th century BC. The name is known because of an inscription Sikelos painted it on a Panathenaic prize amphora, which was signed by Nikias as a potter. It is one of the few painter's signatures on this type of vase; Sikelos is the oldest known painter of a prize amphora, the amphora was made in the period around 560/550 BC. It was found in Taranto. As was common at the time, the obverse shows Athena between two pillars. In addition, there is the usual inscription for such vases: one] of the prizes from Athens. The reverse shows a group of wrestlers framed by a coach and another wrestler. Two further fragments of Panathenaic price amphoras have so far been assigned to Sikelos on the basis of stylistic studies. The name Sikelos suggests that the vase painter came from Sicily.