Agnes Etherington Art Centre. The Agnes Etherington Art Centre is located in Kingston, Ontario, in the heart of the historic campus of Queen's University.
   Situated on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory, the gallery has received a number of awards for its exhibitions from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Association of Art Galleries and others. The Agnes has its roots in the Kingston Art and Music Club, founded in 1926, and owes its existence to Agnes McCausland Richardson Etherington, a driving force behind the club.
   Agnes Etherington's grandfather had founded the grain dealer James Richardson & Sons in 1857 and the family had become very wealthy. Agnes's brother George Richardson, who died fighting in World War I in 1916, left a legacy for her to use as she felt fit to stimulate development of the arts at Queen's University.
   She used this to found the George Taylor Richardson Memorial Fund, which still provides an important source of arts funding to the university. Agnes Etherington bequeathed her house, an elegant Neo-Georgian mansion, to Queen's University for use as a university and community art gallery.
   The Agnes Etherington Art Centre opened to the public in 1957. The building was extended in 1962, 1975, 1978 and 2000, and now has an area of 1,720 square metres. In addition to the historical Etherington House and nine galleries, the Agnes Etherington Art Centre feature
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